How To Design A Home That Makes You Feel Happy
Happiness begins at home and the way we design and maintain our living spaces has the potential to energise and inspire us. However, by the same token, neglected spaces can lead to low moods and stress, especially if they are not designed with our own personalities and habits in mind.
In part, this is why interior designers are well-regarded for their skills. Creating a living space that is not only free from issues but also elevates mood is a difficult task. While not every homeowner will be able to take on the challenge themselves, there are a number of basic considerations that they can make to ensure that their home is on the right path, and adopting even a few of the following changes is certain to have you feeling better within your property.
Colour Matching
White and grey coloured homes might be fashionable as part of a minimalist lifestyle but they do little to express the range of personalities various residents have. If a home feels too much like a regimented environment, we are unlikely to connect deeply with it.
As such, we should be motivated to style the spaces with our own personalities in mind, conjuring yellows and blues to match.
Light Is Uplifting
While some may attest to being more fond of cosy shadows than of brightly lit rooms, our bodies are biologically in favour of the sun, even relying upon natural light for our circadian rhythms. As such, a home designed for happiness would do well to encourage as much natural light into living spaces as possible.
Make Your Room
Space is conducive to comfort and expression, which is why clutter is so often associated with stress. It is important then to both maintain a tidy living space but also to ensure there is as much space as possible. This could mean reducing the number of multifunction rooms, building log cabins and summer houses, or even renovating an attic or basement so as to optimise a property’s options.
Remember It’s Yours
Residents are often inclined to design a living space that reflects the qualities and styles of popular trends. While there is certainly much to be learned from popular interior design, there is just as much to be said for personalisation.
Rooms should be inextricably linked to our own lives, whether through personal choices of design or the presence of trinkets and photographs.
Indulgence & Comfort
A home is a haven and it should be a space that encourages us to return to it. If one is not excited to return to their living space, then it is likely to have a poor design. Consider purchasing a few decadent extras, even something as simple as a luxurious blanket. These assets are each conducive to the feeling of indulgence and, importantly, comfort.
Safety Concerns
If one is likely to feel unsafe, it can be remarkably helpful to consider security options. With the ubiquity of smart home devices, affordable security assets are even easier to purchase and install. Doorbell cameras, for example, are becoming more common for their utility and, ultimately, their security benefits.